There are many reasons why I love my wife. She watches SportsCenter on her own. Not only does she watch she also talks to me about it. I love that!

She is ha-larious. I think that she is underrated by most people in the comedy department. For example tonight she texted me “poor Jake, missing UNC again. He should fake a knee injury or you should kick him.” Now this is funny because Jake is a HUGE UNC fan who works with me at Waters Edge. Recently he destroyed his knee while we were playing one on one basketball. The UNC game was on while we were at church so he had to miss it. I texted her back and said, “I could kick him or he could wait to watch it on DVR.” She quickly replied “kick him. live is better”. Funny stuff.

Anyway there are lots of reasons why I love my wife. She is really awesome. Tonight she surprised me with pizza from Marcos (the best pizza in the 757) and a slice of cookie cake. Those are two things I’ve been craving but because of distance (Marcos is no where close to our house) and our diet (cookie cakes are no were close to being on our diet) I haven’t been able to eat them. When I came home from church she met me at the door. Gave me a hug and revealed a nice candlelight dinner. Now I know what you are thinking…that dinner doesn’t sound nice enough to merit candles. Listen, some people like steak or fancy fish eggs, but I love pizza and Marcos is the best around. The point is she was thoughtful and surprised me. Like I said my wife is AWESOME!