How do you feel about animals? The following rant may not be fair to animals because as you can read here
I don’t have a problem with other people owning animals. Even though I think it’s silly I can tolerate when people dress their pets up like humans. Even though I think it’s gross I can somewhat understand why people allow pets in their bed. Even though I prefer people I can understand why someone would enjoy their companionship.
What I can’t understand is why oh why would anyone bring their pet to their job. My wife Monica goes to a chiropractor who keeps his dog at his business. The dog runs all over everything. I went with her once and it did the mandatory jump on my leg and then it sniffed me. The dog then ran and jumped all over all the equipment. Maybe he was warming it up for her?
Monica had a gift card to get her nails done. She went to a new place and they had a dog running around. This dog provided great entertainment for Monica. The dog did something the owner didn’t like and the owner told the dog to go to time out. So the dog walks over to a designated spot and stands on its hind legs with its back against the wall. The dog waited until the owner said the punishment was over.
Maybe some of you pet lovers can shed some light on this but why would anyone bring a pet to work? I can understand having fish, but cats and dogs need to stay at home.
Rant Over.
Slightly off topic, but the thing that I can’t handle with pets is having to clean up their poo. This is totally off-the-charts nasty. Now with pets at work, what happens if they go poo there? What is the office ettiquette?
No pets at work. If they are extremely well behaved-maybe. The dog at the nail salon, that sounds amazing. Chiropractor’s dog needs to go home.
I guess some people just love their pet’s companionship. The running store has a dog, you almost don’t even know it’s there. I don’t mind that, but otherwise kennel them at home.
at the first church i worked at, our secretary was out, so we had someone filling in. i was sitting in my office when i heard this bleating noise. her goat had babies and she could not leave them at home. never been so close to bringing animal sacrifices back after 6 hours of listening to it.
I love Brian’s response. I agree there is a place for animals, but it is not at work. I would change chiropractor and nail salon. What is cute and acceptable to the owner can be offensive to others. What about people who are allergic?
I’m a call PETA on you guys. Cool dogs is cool dogs at work or at home. I wish people could bring their dogs to work here. It would make my day better. Calling PETA now…
OK Rob, so this will really set you off. I’ve taken my dog with me to the movies. Yes, the AMC 24. I can only do it in the winter when I can put him in my coat. So, I don’t have a problem with the chiropractor’s or nail salon.
Kris, boo I say boo!
I don’t mind dogs (hate cats, a chinchilla would be cool) at work if they are well behaved… i.e. don’t go near customers / clients, whatever. You’ll probably lose business over it though no matter how well behaved.
Personally one of my dogs was raised by wolves and doesn’t know how to interact with anyone, and the other is affection starved, so I would never bring them anywhere.
As you already know, I LOVE animals. However, I do not think they belong in the work place. That dog at the chiropractor’s office is all over the place. It won’t leave you alone!
One of the principals at a school I taught at brought her dog to work weekly. But other employees asked if they could bring their dogs to work (for legitimate reasons, like their house was being exterminated or something) and the answer was always, “No”. The dog was even in our staff picture one year for the yearbook. I, like you Rob, am NOT an animal fan, so this really put me over the edge! I absolutely do not think dogs should be allowed at work, unless you work at a vet, a pet store, or you’re legally blind.