The front porch, whether it was at a store or at a house, it used to be the place where life happened. Today we have done away with the front porch. We moved from living life with people to living in crowded loneliness. We have a million friends of Facebook and yet many people still feel alone. Social networking has become the new place were we connect, but we control it so people only see what we want them to see.

Part of me wishes that we could go back to the days of living life on the front porch, sipping sweat tea, and fanning ourselves because air condition wasn’t invented. Er, except for the air conditioner part. I couldn’t survive without AC. I would run myself into a hard object to knock myself out so I didn’t have to deal with the heat. Anyway…I wish we could go back to the days where we spent hours talking with one another instead of about one another. I wish we could go back to the time where people knew us and not just about us. I wish we could go back, but we can’t.

Because we can’t I say we become intentional about our connections in social networks like Facebook. I’ve often heard Facebook users say they love it because they can stalk people. It’s easy to look at pages and not comment. It’s easy to collect hundreds of friends and never talk to them. It’s easy to send flair (you know who you are), play games (stop kidnapping me), and update our status (rob is blogging at It’s easy but what if we used it to make meaningful, lasting connections? What if we decided to leave at least one meaningful comment a day to one of our bazillion friends. What if we used Facebook to help build community? Since Facebook is the gathering place of today what can we do to make it more personal and meaningful?
