Once upon a time people lived in community. I’ve read stories about how people used to spend hours out on the front porch of their house or of the local store. This is where people hung out, got to know one another, and share life. Back then everyone knew everyone’s business because you saw it happen from the front porch. Back then kids were influenced by multiple adults because they hung around the front porch. My mom has told me stories of how growing up people used to come to her parents store to hang out on the front porch. She always had someone to play with because people hung out on the front porch. Things have changed.

Today we have built fences to guard our houses from others seeing in. We took away the front porch and nobody thought about the ramifications.

You see the front porch was important because it allowed you to get to know your neighbors. Because you hung out outside you actually talked with the people that lived near you. In my neighborhood nobody hangs outside. Everyone runs from their car to their house. I barely know my neighbors names, yet alone what is going on in their life. Back then people in relationship influenced kids. Today people in a TV influences kids.

I think that people crave the front porch in life. In my opinion that is one reason why Facebook is so BIG. I hear people say all the time that they love Facebook because it is a window into people’s lives. It’s the new front porch if you will. Facebook allows us to see what other people are doing, but it also allows us to talk to people even though they don’t live in our neighborhood. It’s a gathering place where life happens.

To be continued…