Cool or Uncool, a game at where you decide what is cool or uncool. Here’s how you play.
Step 2: Decide whether you think it is cool or uncool.
Step 3: Post your decision by leaving a comment.
Cool or Uncool? Pastors cussing during a sermon.
Definitely, uncool.
They may cuss trying to appear hip and young. They may do it because they forget where they are and this is a normal part of their non-church vocabulary. Either way, it is uncool.
uncool. cussing does not make you postmodern or hip.
(My assumption is based on cussing not the use of vulgarity)
I would have to say “cool” only in the sense that it breaks the stereotypical beliefs about what is “right” vs “wrong”, and that is not done very often. Just as I don’t feel we should let the world dictate to us what is “right”, we shouldn’t let the world dictate to us what is “wrong”. I feel it is subjects like this which contribute to non-believers thinking Salvation is based upon works.
UNCOOL. As a parent, I think I would smack that preacher. Church should be the 1 place my child doesn’t have to hear such words. And, it would totally undermine me as a parent because we try to teach her that those words aren’t to be said.
I really like what Andrew said and I sort of agree with him. This depends on the word for me. I had a professor (at my ultra conservative college), in my World Missions class say “Blah, blah % of the world does not know the name of Christ and you don’t give a shit . . .but you care that I cursed” Notice, I don’t remember the %, and I had trouble remembering the story at all-other than he cursed. There are more important issues. So I am going to say cool. (I really wanted to make a third choice on that one ,like “depends”.)
neither… it completely depends on the situation, the reason, the usage. I definitely couldn’t put a blanket ‘cool’ or ‘uncool’ on it.
Particularly for 3 amigos reason, I’d lean towards uncool, if I had to, but again I’d have a tough time saying it was always so.
I don’t want to say it’s cool…but I would probably think it was cool. I think what Andrew said is right on. These puritanical tendancies of the church drives so many people away. We care more about making people act, dress, and speak like good “christians” while completely neglecting the love part. Jesus saved the life of and ate with the sinners, he spoke out against the religous oppressors.
Who cares what is cool or not. . . just be yourself.