I have a hard time dealing with crazy people. I am around people all the time. I think I do a good job at relating to almost anyone. In fact when I first meet a person I try to find a common ground. Whether it’s sports, movies/TV, religion, pop culture, food, or simply life I try to find something in common with whoever I talk to. There is one thing that I have a hard time relating to. I have a difficult time dealing with crazy.

Last night I went to a meeting for The Big Dream at Waters Edge Church. It was held at a local coffeehouse/restaurant called Tuscany’s. Tuscany’s was nice enough to close early so we could have our meeting. I arrived a few minutes early and started talking with a friend of mine who happens to manage Tuscany. At the entrance sat a guy who had crazy written all over him. My friend was trying to gently persuade him to leave because they were closing early to the public. He didn’t budge. My friend started talking with me. Midway through the conversation my friend turned to him and said she would be with him in one minute. He took that to mean…please interrupt and tell a crazy story. He started talking about his mom who was a great Christian. He then said she died. Now you have to understand this guy, for some reason, was carrying a paddle. It was a big paddle. A paddle like you see at fraternities. He held up this huge paddle and said he carried it around for his dead mom. I don’t do well with crazy so I started to look for a way out of the conversation. The next thing I heard was the word murder.

Luckily my friend noticed that I don’t do well with crazy and she said “Rob can you help me move some things over here”. I quickly walked with her to the other side of the restaurant. I need to do a better job relating to crazy.