I was laying on the runway with no where to go. My heart was beating. My head was sweating. My adrenaline was pumping. I’m laying on the runway and headed straight toward me is a giant jumbo jet. Paralyzed in fear I started rolling like my life depended on it. My life did depend on it. If I didn’t roll fast enough I was going to get squashed. I rolled hard and then I heard…”Rob. Rob! ROB!!!” I open my eyes and my wife is calling out my name. I was dreaming an incredibly vivid dream. It was so real I had rolled out of bed and onto the floor. When my wife woke to find me I was rolling back and forth on the floor. The hotel floor. We were staying in a airport hotel in Dallas because our flight was delayed. My wife still laughs when she thinks about that night.

Doing things in your sleep is a serious thing. I’ve read about people who slept walked off their balcony and woke up on the ground below. I’ve heard friends tell stories of waking up putting on their bathing suit with the shower running. I even read about a man who was proven innocent for killing his wife because he proved that he was a chronic sleep walker. He stabbed his wife in his sleep and woke up to find out what he did. That’s awful. Just in case you have never experienced a sleep walker first hand here is a clip from a recent documentary.

The Bible says, “‘Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’ Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:13-15.

I love how this verse says, “Wake up, O sleeper.” It’s talking to people who are not asleep. As if to say that you can actually sleep walk through life. You can function but you are not getting the most out of this life.

Have you ever had a day or week that was just a blur? What about a year? The grind of life can cause us to simply function and miss out on the life the Jesus wants for us. The verse goes on to challenge us to make the most of every opportunity. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to sleep walk through life and miss opportunities. I want God to put such a fire for life inside of me that my passion for Him not only wakes me up but wakes others up as well. This life is too short to miss out.

“Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.” Those are lines from a new song by my favorite band, Needtobreathe. Love the song. Love the lyrics. Love the idea of living life to the fullest because Jesus has changed our lives. Enjoy the song and video if you haven’t heard it yet..