I wasn’t alive when America first sent men to the moon. I was alive for Transformers 3. In the movie they show a little bit of the history of the space program. Russia sent Sputnik into space and America reacted. That led to what we now call the Space Race.

Now the thing that caught my attention is the way that people reacted to getting to the moon. People cried. Parades were held. Everyone was glued to their TVs.  It was a HUGE deal! Now I have a few friends who work at NASA and they are not going to like what I’m about to say. There is a great chance that my computer will get nuked and that I will go missing. If you are one of the few who gets to read this post don’t tell anyone about it or they will morph you into a space chimp. I kid, I kid. Looking back what did going to the moon really do for us? It united our country! Other than that I don’t know of anything significant that came from landing on the moon. I asked a NASA rocket scientist about this and he said that we got TANG from our experience from going to the moon. TANG is great! So we got tang and it united the country.

It made me think about how powerful vision really is. People will rally around a vision. People will sacrifice for a vision. People will become passionate about a vision. Even if it’s a pointless vision people will respond. I think this has potential to impact our lives.

I heard Donald Miller talk about a dad who cast a vision for his family to build a home for underprivileged kids in a foreign country. His family was falling apart. His daughter was rebelling. He cast a vision and at first his family resisted. But after a while his whole family was dedicated towards the vision. His daughter stopped rebelling. They sacrificed. They gave. They built the home. They were changed by a vision.

The point is that even if a vision is pointless like landing on the moon it will be powerful. Maybe it’s worth it to spend some time thinking about a vision for your family, life, job etc. At the very least you might invent something amazing like TANG.

What’s another example of a vision that united people? On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being lack a vision and 10 being visionary, how would you rate your vision for your life?