So this is my fourth week on Weight Watchers. If you are skinny then let me explain how it works. They give all food a point value. I have a certain amount of points and I have to stay under those points each day. I had three really good weeks and one bad weekend. I have lost six lbs so far. I used to eat everything I wanted to. Now my life is made up of compromise…

  • At Chick-fil-A I get a char grilled sandwich and a fruit cup instead of a spicy chicken sandwich and fries.
  • At Chipotle I get a burrito bowl instead of the amazing burrito.
  • For snacks I eat fruit instead of something that is not fruit.
  • At really cool hip and trendy self serve yogurt places I get non fat yogurt with fruit instead of non fat yogurt with Reese Peanut Butter Cups and cookie dough.

So Weight Watchers is working. I hate it. I don’t hate that it’s working I just hate not eating everything I want.

This past year there have been multiple things that made me want to lose weight but none of them motivated me to actually do anything about it. You would think the following would have…

  • On Christmas Eve I was supposed to ride a donkey, named Jack, down the aisle for our Christmas Eve services at Waters Edge. I had written a sketch, memorized lines, and was set to ride. I got on the donkey and he almost collapsed. He took one step back and then almost fell over. Jack’s owner asked how much I weighed. When I told her she said I weighed 50 lbs more than what Jack could handle. We then had to brainstorm what we were going to do. I got bumped from the segment in favor of someone thinner. When this thinner staff member got on the donkey he took off. It scared the rider really bad. Lucky for me it was so scary I still got to be a part of the segment.  I had to walk the donkey instead of riding it. It was embarrassing but it didn’t motivate me to change.
  • A few months later we were planning our Easter services and we came up with the idea to have me skydive. I was out of my mind excited about this. Come to find out there is a weight limit on skydiving. I was 20 lbs over the limit. I got cut from the segment. Lucky for me all the other guys were scared out of their mind. We then found a company that would allow over weight skydivers. We had to pay more money and I had to weigh myself before I jumped. It was embarrassing but it didn’t cause me to change.

What finally got me motivated was a visit to the doctor. I went for a physical. I am thankful for doctors but I don’t like them. I’m not a touchy feely person and they are way too touchy feely. The doctor said that I was in great health for a 32 year old. Her only concern was that she knew that my wife and I just had twins. She said that if I didn’t do something about my weight then she was afraid that I wouldn’t be around for my kids. That got me motivated! It’s worth the compromise to be around for my kids.

Have you ever done Weight Watchers? Have you ever lost weight?