Today’s post is provided by Wes from  Wes has a great blog and was nice enough to do a guest post for me this week. What separates his blog from others is the cartoons that he creates to go along with his thought provoking posts.  Make sure you help him feel welcome and leave a comment. Oh and he is also the creator of the “Mind Dump” graphic at Love it!

We often hear Christians talk about how Satan has attacked them in a weak moment causing them to commit an unthinkable sin (and, sometimes, not-so-unthinkable-sins). I believe 100% in the devil. I think he’s very real and I think he wants nothing more than to see humanity destroyed and in torment. I also believe that there is spiritual warfare all around us, and that Satan is doing his best to cut us down. But sometimes I think we give that guy too much credit. I can’t help but think sometimes that claiming ” the devil caused me to sin” is a bit of a cop-out. And that leads me to what I want to ask you guys today:

Do you ever feel like blaming the devil for a sin(s) is a cop-out? Do you think there are things we can do to keep the devil at bay? In the end, doesn’t it come back to us?