I was recently asked to post a blog about why bad things happen to good people. I don’t claim to be an expert on this. I don’t claim to have the best answer. I don’t even claim to admit that I once went to see “Run Away Bride” by myself in the movie theater. It was in college, my dad worked on the movie, we had a dollar theater, and it’s a good movie…back off. I digress. The following is my opinion of why bad things happen to good people.

  • In America many people have an entitled works base view of God. Many people believe that if we are a good person (going to church, eating your vegetables, washing behind your ears, and not killing people) then God owes you something. The problem with this view is that the Bible teaches that we are not good. None of us are good. We are by nature selfish. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. We don’t deserve good things. We deserve hell, but because God loves us He gives us a way out. We can find forgiveness in God. But God doesn’t love us because we do something good. We should do good stuff because God is good. The truth is the fact that we have anything good we should be thanking God. When a parent gets sick and dies it’s awful, but how many people don’t have good parents? When a couple can’t get pregnant it’s an awful experience, but the fact that they are a couple is a blessing. Many people would love to be married and are not. The point is that God doesn’t owe you anything. He gave His son to die for us. That’s enough. Everything else is a blessing.
  • Bad things happen because we live in a fallen world. It didn’t start off broken, but man chose to disobey God and we have been feeling the consequences ever since. We live in a world where people get sick, pain happens, hearts get broken, and good people go bald. This doesn’t make it easier to go through but it gives a reason on why bad things happen. The world is broken.
  • God gives people the freedom to make decisions. People make bad choices. People make decisions to drink and drive, cheat on loved ones, and make movies like Gremlins 2. It’s awful. Because of this freedom some “good” people will be hurt. When a person makes a selfish decision someone gets hurt.
  • There are consequences to our bad decisions. The Bible talks about God disciplining the ones He loves. I don’t think that this is why September 11 happened. I’d chalk that up to man having the freedom to do stupid stuff. But I do know that there are consequences to bad choices.
  • There is more going on in this world then what we can see. This world is physical, but the Bible talks about a spiritual world. Now I don’t think this is like Ghostbusters, The Ring, or The Sixth Sense. Those are movies. I also don’t think this means that the Devil is to blame for all things bad. We make so many bad choices that I often think the Devil doesn’t need to intervene. I really don’t know what the Devil’s activity looks like, but I think it plays a part in this discussion. 
  • We don’t know the reason. If you read the book of Job from the Bible it doesn’t make a lot of sense. The first part is easier to understand but then God starts talking and it’s like do what? Luckily for me I had a professor in seminary that explained some things. I don’t remember everything he said, but I remember that he taught that God didn’t give Job a reason for his suffering. In the end He offered him a relationship instead of a reason. Sometimes we don’t know why. I don’t think I’ll ever know why God allowed us to get pregnant three years ago and then took away our baby at 8 weeks. It was a miracle that we were pregnant. We knew it was a miracle from God and we were more than shocked when the doctor told us we lost the baby. God didn’t want to teach us a lesson. He could have used any other method to do it. God loves us and I don’t think that He caused that pain in our life. God held us and has now used that situation to allow us to be a blessing to others, but I don’t think that’s why it happened. It happened. Until I get to Heaven I’ll never understand why on that one.  I’m so thankful that God held us during that time.