Yesterday I posted a challenge to read an entire book of the Bible together. That’s right 5 whole chapters of yummy spiritual goodness. The goal is to read it, digest it, and allow it to change us so we are not fat and lazy spiritually.  If you are participating in the challenge how was day two? Here are some of my thoughts on chapter 2…

  • vs. 1-13 very convicting. How many poor people are even welcome in most churches? Not only that but it’s really hard to not judge. Ouch!
  • vs. 14-17 Faith without action is dead! So you are telling me I actually have to live out what I believe? I’m so convicted by this. Last week I met a homeless women. I introduced her to someone who was going to help her. I passed her off and then didn’t think about her again. Not once did I think about personally meeting her needs. I had cash in my wallet, and cash in the bank. I could have provided something for her, but it didn’t even dawn on me. On the other hand a friend of mine went out and bought a boat load of groceries for this same lady. My friend then delivered the groceries to the woman. When I heard that I thought about this verse. I hope that my conviction can change my mindset. I want to meet people’s needs and not just pray for them.
  • vs. 19 So the demons believe in God? The demons believe and their lives aren’t changed. They believe and even have a response.  If you’ve ever been to a Christian camp then you know it’s easy to get swept up in the emotion. You believe in God and then are moved by a message. Maybe you even cried. But unless your life is changed it doesn’t mean squat. Faith and actions have to work together.
  • vs. 25 a righteous prostitute…interesting.
  • vs. 26 Just in case you didn’t get it faith without deeds is dead. I love how straight forward and direct James is!