This post is brought to you by the number 65,582.

In 2011 65,582 different people visited my blog.

I share this number not to brag. I know that compared to some it’s a very small amount of traffic. To me that number is humbling. I would have never thought that thousands of people would have visited my little site.

I share this number because it represents U. 65,582 is made up of people that…

  • Stopped by one time for less than one second. According to my stats that happens often. I don’t know how you stop by for less than a second but I’m glad that we could share that nano second together.
  • Stop by once a week to catch up on posts.
  • Stop by and don’t judge me for my poor grammar. I promise my mistakes are not on purpose. I’m working on my grammar. Thanks for being patient.
  • Stop by often and are just as much a part of this blog as I am. Your comments and encouragement blow me away.
  • Stopped by after Jon Accuff re-Tweeted me. In fact I think that 64,582 stopped by one time after I got tweeted by Jon. I kid, I kid.
  • Stopped by and hit the like button to share it on Facebook. I’ve never asked you to do that and yet you did it anyway. Thanks!
  • Stopped by and talked crap.
  • Stopped by because you were Google searching for porn, Psalty images, and things that make you want to cuss. Wow. For being a pastor I sure do get a lot of traffic for un-pastorly stuff.
  • Stopped by and Tweeted to share a post with your friends.

No matter why or how long you stopped by U matter to me. This is my blog. I share it with the world wide web because I hope that somehow some of the 65,582 people will fall in love with Jesus by checking out

U matter to me. That’s why I do my best to respond to every comment. That’s why I do my best to post content that will make you laugh and think. That’s why I do my best to be consistent and post five days a week. That’s why I do my best to make sure you know that you are not just a number.

I don’t blog for numbers. I don’t check my yearly stats often. I was curious to know if my blog had grown from last year. When I saw that it grew by over 40% I was blown away. Well…first I had to ask someone to help me figure out the math. Fact: The Bible says that God is not a God of confusion. Fact: Math is confusing. Fact: The Devil invented all Math that you learn past the fourth grade.

I hope that you know that I’m not posting this to brag in any way. Like I said compared to many blogs my traffic is really small. I check my numbers because numbers do matter. In fact the Bible named a whole book after them…Numbers. Numbers matter to me because they represent people. Not just faceless people that don’t matter. They represent people that God has brought to my site. You better believe that whether you stopped by on accident, occasionally, or daily you matter to me because you matter to God.

What is your favorite number? If you blog do you track stats?