Does a Man lose his Man-Card if he enjoys listening to Kelly Clarkson?
Would You Rather…have people mistake you for Michael Jackson or Marilyn Manson
Better burrito Chipotle, Moe’s, or Qdoba?
Who shot J.R.?
If you were a hot dog would you eat yourself?
Here’s how you play. Answer the previous 5 Good Questions in the comment section. At some point in the future Rob will decide which person answered the best and declare a winner. The winner of the last 5 Good Questions is Jess. See her answers here.
on March 23, 2009 at 1:30 pm
1. Absolutely not. She’s awesome. 2. Manson 3. Never had any of those. 4. No one…he never existed. But if you want a different answer then Kristin Shepard done it. 5. No.
1. I would think twice about it. 2. MJ for sure…he is more feminine in appearance. 3. Gonna go with Moe’s…sorry Rob didn’t think Chipotle was that good but I had some awesome company that night! 4. Lady Gaga 5. No…but I would eat my sibling:)
1. that's blasphemous. Clarkson for the win. also, her new album is infectious & glorious. yep, i said it. 2. you didn't specify which era… so i choose 80's era MJ 3. i've only had Moe's, but i hear Chipotle is superior 4. who didn't shoot J.R.? 5. of course, i'd be delicious. but only if the moon were made of bbq spare ribs, also.
1. Absolutely not. She’s awesome.
2. Manson
3. Never had any of those.
4. No one…he never existed. But if you want a different answer then Kristin Shepard done it.
5. No.
1. no she’s more man than several i know
2. manson…at least you have man in your name
3. chipotle…hands down
4. i did, but it was a dream, because Dallas was still on for a few seasons. actually it was “the Fonz” in an attempt to rename “jumping the shark”
5. ummm…at least i would know what was in myself, so sure, but would slather myself in chili, onions and mustard first.
James Freeney’s 5 good answers
1. Kelly Clarkson is actually in my work out mix so I’m gonna have to say no..(since you’ve been gone)
2. Manson, cause, he can take the make up off, Jackson can’t!..stupid.
3. Chipotle..thats like saying who makes better doughnuts ..krispy kreme or DD..KK does!!..
4. I would have to say the “fall guy” ( i forget his name) didn’t do it alone, and thats from many hours watching the History Channel
5. No..because Hot Dogs give me indigestion.
1. NO… she is an AMERICAN Idol, and Americans include both BOYS and GIRLS, MEN and WOMEN, HAMBURGERS and APPLE PIE
2. Michael… because you didn’t say which “model” Michael, and I’m totally down for some 70’s “ROCK WITH YOU” dance moves!
3. Moe’s… basically, its the only one I’ve eaten at (but feel free to take me out to eat and sway me towards the other two!)
4. I shot the sherriff….but I did not shoot J.R.
5. No… but if I were a BRAUT….BRING IT ON BABY!!!
1. I would think twice about it.
2. MJ for sure…he is more feminine in appearance.
3. Gonna go with Moe’s…sorry Rob didn’t think Chipotle was that good but I had some awesome company that night!
4. Lady Gaga
5. No…but I would eat my sibling:)
1. that's blasphemous. Clarkson for the win. also, her new album is infectious & glorious. yep, i said it.
2. you didn't specify which era… so i choose 80's era MJ
3. i've only had Moe's, but i hear Chipotle is superior
4. who didn't shoot J.R.?
5. of course, i'd be delicious. but only if the moon were made of bbq spare ribs, also.