Would You Rather sing in front of a large audience or give a speech in front of a large audience?
It’s the most important meal of the day. What is it and did you eat it?
NSYNC or New Kids On The Block?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Facebook’s new layout…love it or loath it?
Here’s how you play. Answer the previous 5 Good Questions in the comment section. At some point in the future Rob will decide which person answered the best and declare a winner.
on March 14, 2009 at 12:48 pm
1). I give talks in front of large groups all the time, so this is a no-brainer. Yet I feel the tug, from time to time, to express myself in song. 2). The most important meal is brunchfast, where I munch on scones and kippers using a cheap plastic spork. 3). NSYNC or NKOTB? Are you insane. I am a BSB fan. I have all of their music, and gosh darn it, it sets my feet a-tappin;. 4). My celebrity crush is unconventional. I pine for Pauly Shore. A more annoying character I could not name. 5). Facebook can eat my shorts. Stop making changes that I did not ask for. I will hunt you down and slap your dog if this keeps up.
1. give a talk in front of a large group (I’m so dramatic sometimes) 2. the most important meal is breakfast. I don’t feel like myself without giving myself a little something to jump-start my day! 3. NSYNC (lance was my FAVORITE and he turned out t be gay…oh well) 4. my celebrity crush is sean austin (yes, sam from lord of the rings and a goonies favorite!) 5. facbook… thumbs down on the newlayout. i just got used to the last one!
1. Would love to get the courage to sing in front of a large crowd. For now it’s just friends and family. Maybe with their continuing pestering, one day I’ll do it. 2. Snack time….my favorite! 3. NKOTB fan to the end!!!! What can I say? I was an 80’s child. 4. My celebrity crush is a sweet little bot named Caleb. My son was born a star and I know that God has big plans for him! 5. Yuck, Yuck, Yuck!
1. sing, definitely. preferably journey or nsync 2. im a fan of late lunch / dinner 3. NSync all the way 4. i dont have a current one, but i used to crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt in middle school… cuz we have the same initials 5. facebook is facebook… i’ll adjust haha
1) Definitely sing…I’m a giant chicken when it comes to public speaking. 2) Breakfast – I LOVE cookie crisp these days. 3) NSYNC, New Kids were a bit before my time 😉 4) Not sure…maybe Mark Wahlberg. haha. 5) Thumbs down on the new layout…I just finished figuring the last one out. :/
1) I have a fear of public speaking but I also do not know what a tune is much less how to carry one so it would have to be speak. 2) Breakfast (but closer to lunch) and it would be hot oatmeal with butter, sugar & a large glass of cold skim milk. 3) NSYNC..I love Justin T.! 4) Oh my way too many, but I'll narrow it down to Brad Pitt & Johnny Depp. Oh, and my longest crush has been Rod Stewart. 5) Change is not always good. In this case it is for sure not good.
*I’ll go with speaking, but I hate it. I had a solo one time and forgot the words so I don’t want to sing in front of a crowd again. *breakfast but I didn’t eat it today. *NSYNC, NKOTB was before my time I guess? I did like it when the WEC staff guys did NK at church! *Matthew McConaughey is one of several *and I do not like it when facebook changes things, they need to put it back and leave it alone
1. I would most definitely rather speak. I used to teach training classes and stuff for Starbucks. And actually, I used to sing in church when I was younger. But now… I would seriously crap my pants if I had to sing in front of a crowd! Speaking is easier for some reason.
2. Dinner is my favorite usually. Unless on of the other meals is at a restaurant! I love eating out! And I love most types of food!
3. Neither.
4. i love Vince Vaughn. He is super funny and majorly hot!
5. Facebook is fabulous, change is fine. I just love being allowed to be so nosey using Facebook! I can get used to it!
1. Give a speech. I let Danielle do all my singing. Haha. 2. Breakfast. I didn't eat an official breakfast today b/c I slept in so late and had to be at an 11:00 lunch. 3. New Kids on the Block. I saw them in middle school, Rob took me last fall, and I'm going again next week with Linds & Court! I am unashamed and will scream like a school girl. 4. My biggest celebrity crush is Rob from robshep.com. My other celeb crushes include, but are not limited to, Tobymac, Luke Walton, JT, and Matthew McConaughey. (That is one from every genre- the blog world, Christian music, NBA, mainstream music, and movies.) 5. Facebook is fine. I find it amusing that people push against change. It's free and I trust the 24 year old running it.
2. I don’t believe in skipping meals, they are all important, as are the snacks in between. But I guess breakfast and it would include a toasted PB and J sandwich. Must be raspberry jelly and wheat bread.
3. NKOTB. I can’t name a single NSYNC song.
4. Lately I have a crush on Daniel Craig and if I watch Batman, Christian Bale, but he has a bad temper.
5. Was there another change or something? Unless they changed since I was last there, I’m fine with it.
1) I’m comfortable in front of people. I’ld probably rather giving a room rousing speech. 2) I love dinner. I eat it everyday. 3) How many people will come on the internet and admit that they watched NKOTB on the Disney channel when they were a kid and knew the words to “Hangin Tough”? I don’t know the answer either. *raises hand* 4) Scarlett Johanson 5) I’m ok with it. I don’t see what all the fuss is about. It’s the internet people…change is inevitable.
1. Speech 2. Breakfast – I usually eat cereal or hard boiled eggs. I did eat breakfast today 3. Have no opinion. I, honestly, could not tell you one single song that either one of them did. I am too old for them and I like country music. 4. Jack Bauer 5. Ambivalent – it just takes getting used to.
1 – the freedom of breaking out in song in front of a large group definitely calls my name. 2 – Breakfast, of course. I eat mine daily which equates to a smoothie (made personally in my home Tropical Smoothie) or the new Fiber One Oats & Chocolate bar….it is the bomb!!!!! 3 – I am too old skool not to love NKOTB. 4 – Matthew McConaughy for his smile and his AirStream 5 – Hate change so definitely not digging the new format for FB
1). I give talks in front of large groups all the time, so this is a no-brainer. Yet I feel the tug, from time to time, to express myself in song.
2). The most important meal is brunchfast, where I munch on scones and kippers using a cheap plastic spork.
3). NSYNC or NKOTB? Are you insane. I am a BSB fan. I have all of their music, and gosh darn it, it sets my feet a-tappin;.
4). My celebrity crush is unconventional. I pine for Pauly Shore. A more annoying character I could not name.
5). Facebook can eat my shorts. Stop making changes that I did not ask for. I will hunt you down and slap your dog if this keeps up.
dinner @ 5:30 pm
all roads lead to death either way
my wife…she’s a star in my eyes
indifferent at this point, still figuring it out.
1. give a talk in front of a large group (I’m so dramatic sometimes)
2. the most important meal is breakfast. I don’t feel like myself without giving myself a little something to jump-start my day!
3. NSYNC (lance was my FAVORITE and he turned out t be gay…oh well)
4. my celebrity crush is sean austin (yes, sam from lord of the rings and a goonies favorite!)
5. facbook… thumbs down on the newlayout. i just got used to the last one!
1. Would love to get the courage to sing in front of a large crowd. For now it’s just friends and family. Maybe with their continuing pestering, one day I’ll do it.
2. Snack time….my favorite!
3. NKOTB fan to the end!!!! What can I say? I was an 80’s child.
4. My celebrity crush is a sweet little bot named Caleb. My son was born a star and I know that God has big plans for him!
5. Yuck, Yuck, Yuck!
1. sing, definitely. preferably journey or nsync
2. im a fan of late lunch / dinner
3. NSync all the way
4. i dont have a current one, but i used to crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt in middle school… cuz we have the same initials
5. facebook is facebook… i’ll adjust haha
1) Definitely sing…I’m a giant chicken when it comes to public speaking.
2) Breakfast – I LOVE cookie crisp these days.
3) NSYNC, New Kids were a bit before my time 😉
4) Not sure…maybe Mark Wahlberg. haha.
5) Thumbs down on the new layout…I just finished figuring the last one out. :/
1) I have a fear of public speaking but I also do not know what a tune is much less how to carry one so it would have to be speak.
2) Breakfast (but closer to lunch) and it would be hot oatmeal with butter, sugar & a large glass of cold skim milk.
3) NSYNC..I love Justin T.!
4) Oh my way too many, but I'll narrow it down to Brad Pitt & Johnny Depp. Oh, and my longest crush has been Rod Stewart.
5) Change is not always good. In this case it is for sure not good.
*I’ll go with speaking, but I hate it. I had a solo one time and forgot the words so I don’t want to sing in front of a crowd again.
*breakfast but I didn’t eat it today.
*NSYNC, NKOTB was before my time I guess? I did like it when the WEC staff guys did NK at church!
*Matthew McConaughey is one of several
*and I do not like it when facebook changes things, they need to put it back and leave it alone
1. I would most definitely rather speak. I used to teach training classes and stuff for Starbucks. And actually, I used to sing in church when I was younger. But now… I would seriously crap my pants if I had to sing in front of a crowd! Speaking is easier for some reason.
2. Dinner is my favorite usually. Unless on of the other meals is at a restaurant! I love eating out! And I love most types of food!
3. Neither.
4. i love Vince Vaughn. He is super funny and majorly hot!
5. Facebook is fabulous, change is fine. I just love being allowed to be so nosey using Facebook! I can get used to it!
1. Give a speech. I let Danielle do all my singing. Haha.
2. Breakfast. I didn't eat an official breakfast today b/c I slept in so late and had to be at an 11:00 lunch.
3. New Kids on the Block. I saw them in middle school, Rob took me last fall, and I'm going again next week with Linds & Court! I am unashamed and will scream like a school girl.
4. My biggest celebrity crush is Rob from robshep.com. My other celeb crushes include, but are not limited to, Tobymac, Luke Walton, JT, and Matthew McConaughey. (That is one from every genre- the blog world, Christian music, NBA, mainstream music, and movies.)
5. Facebook is fine. I find it amusing that people push against change. It's free and I trust the 24 year old running it.
1. Speak… singing solo would be bad… really bad. unless of course I was singing solo no one could hear me.
2. The only meal I almost always eat is dinner.
3. NSYNC. It’s sketch if you’re a dude admitting to liking either though.
4. Kate Hudson.
5. What’s facebook?
Daniel, that was hilarious. Disturbing, but hilarious.
1. Speak- though I wouldn’t enjoy it.
2. I don’t believe in skipping meals, they are all important, as are the snacks in between. But I guess breakfast and it would include a toasted PB and J sandwich. Must be raspberry jelly and wheat bread.
3. NKOTB. I can’t name a single NSYNC song.
4. Lately I have a crush on Daniel Craig and if I watch Batman, Christian Bale, but he has a bad temper.
5. Was there another change or something? Unless they changed since I was last there, I’m fine with it.
1) I’m comfortable in front of people. I’ld probably rather giving a room rousing speech.
2) I love dinner. I eat it everyday.
3) How many people will come on the internet and admit that they watched NKOTB on the Disney channel when they were a kid and knew the words to “Hangin Tough”? I don’t know the answer either. *raises hand*
4) Scarlett Johanson
5) I’m ok with it. I don’t see what all the fuss is about. It’s the internet people…change is inevitable.
1. Speech
2. Breakfast – I usually eat cereal or hard boiled eggs. I did eat breakfast today
3. Have no opinion. I, honestly, could not tell you one single song that either one of them did. I am too old for them and I like country music.
4. Jack Bauer
5. Ambivalent – it just takes getting used to.
1 – the freedom of breaking out in song in front of a large group definitely calls my name.
2 – Breakfast, of course. I eat mine daily which equates to a smoothie (made personally in my home Tropical Smoothie) or the new Fiber One Oats & Chocolate bar….it is the bomb!!!!!
3 – I am too old skool not to love NKOTB.
4 – Matthew McConaughy for his smile and his AirStream
5 – Hate change so definitely not digging the new format for FB
1. Either. I do both all the time.
2. Breakfast . . . . Coffee.
3. New Kids On The Block.
4. Brad Pitt and Chris Daughtry.
5. No opinion. It’s fine.